To Begin The World
Over Again
“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark”
- Thomas Paine
The Film
We shot the film version of To Begin the World Over Again: the Life of Thomas Paine at the intimate Lillian Theatre in Hollywood. We had an invited audience of 100 sitting a few feet from the stage, since we wanted the audience and the viewer to feel their closeness to Paine as he told his story. We also wanted Paine to move between pools of light representing the three countries that he lived in, and the result is almost like a living Rembrandt painting. After all, the camera team was led by Haskell Wexler. Our haunting soundtrack was composed and recorded by Joe Romano, and we added period paintings, cartoons and graphics to the film. Above all, we believe that the power of Paine’s words, and the passion of the man’s mission, shine through.
The film aired across America on PBS for two years making it available to 150 million viewers. It continues airing on individual stations up until today. See our Shop for information about purchasing the film as a DVD or digital download, or booking a screening and Q&A with Ian Ruskin.
Interested in Booking a Performance?
The Play
You can book a live performance for your organization, whether it is a theatre, university, union, historical society, citizen’s group, company conference or other setting. Alternatively the film is available to be screened along with an in-person or zoom meeting Q&A with Ian Ruskin.
(trailers, recommendations, additional info)
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